Freedom in life is the most important element which most of us are missing.
The daily struggle for money is just killing our precious time and putting us in hardship. Day to day matters of life to earn money are stressing our mind and keeping us physically & mentally weak. If you see we are not living life by choice.
Now it time to find out, how long we will continue with this struggle of life or we have another option that tries to find the way to overcome this struggle for money. By doing this effort you may come out of a clinch of money and you can live life with your terms.

In short, if we secure our few things in life then probably we can lead well secured life.
So what are the main things required to lead secured life ?
Although it’s differ person to person but by enlarge you need these things to live a secured life
- A Own house
- Sufficient Money for Social Security
- Regular income source.
- Passive income source
- Health Security
These five things can very much secure your way of living and are the most important thing required to live peaceful stress-free life.
Focusing and chasing these things will help us to get these five things in life which can help us to lead a quality life with joy and we can more focus on other things which we want to do in life.
Generally, our main focus is earning money & disposing of responsibilities. But if we can achieve these five things then disposing of responsibility can be performed comfortably.
Let’s talk about five necessary things in detail which can reduce our stress level largely.
1. A own house
Owe house is very much necessary to live a peaceful life. This will be a shelter in any bad time. It should be either a parental house or brought by self.
If your budget is low, better to choose a known city or a town in your country where life is reasonably good.
Even in a later stage if you have more money, then you can upgrade by selling this house. A new house can be purchased in any other location of your liking.
If you are working somewhere else and your own house is in a different location or city then also you will get a new source of income as rental.
2. Sufficient money for Social Security
Money always keeps your confidence level up and gives you a sense of security that no other asset can give. Only money can boost your mental strength to face the challenges in life.
Now, how much money is required so you feel socially secured?
It will depend upon an individual requirement & lifestyle. It should take care of your basic needs to run daily or monthly expenses. The available money should be with you around 200 times of your basic monthly expenses.
For example, your basic monthly expense is Rs 30,000/- then the amount required for social security will be Rs 60 Lakhs.
You can check the status of your Social Security here.
3. Regular Income Source
Your regular income source should remain to continue and can able to give you reasonable income so you can able to dispose of your monthly expense and same time can able to do the proper saving for future need or to become financially free.
This regular sources of income can be your Job, business, or your talent which can able to give the regular source of income. If this regular income source is from your work which like you most then it will give you satisfactory life in your profession.
Regular source of income has significance in life as to achieve your dream you need regular income sources.
4. Passive Income Source
Most people are only focusing on regular income sources for which physical effort is necessary but same time if your available money can able to give you effortless income then it will help you to create a new income source.
This effortless income source will continually grow if you will regularly save money and invest in investment plans where your money can able to fetch good returns and same time your invested money should reasonably secured.
At the initial stage, it will help you to contribute to your Social Security corpus and later if your effortless income reaches that level which can able to take care of all your needs related expenditures.
This passive income can be from return on investments, your talent, asset investment and business investment where your physical efforts are very less.
It is very much necessary to focus on creating passive income sources which can happen when we save a good amount of money and foremost we should track earnings from these investments so every single investment can give reasonable returns.
This passive income source can able to gives us life with freedom. Following ten steps towards your freedom can secure Social Security.
5. Health Security
Health security can be secured by investing time on your fitness and further health insurance so your expenditure on medication can be reduced significantly.
A good healthy diet, following good routine, taking timely sleep & food, very less intake of junk food, Yoga, Gym these all can help to keep fit and healthy.
Nowadays many diseases are popping up due to our lifestyle, polluted environment, stress levels due to which medical expenses have been drastically increased especially hospitalization. To safeguard against such medical expenses, the family shall be well protected with the medical insurance policy which can help us to save our hard earn money.
If we religiously do handwork to achieve these five things then we will be more confident & stress-free to lead a quality life.
By doing this, any time you feel that it is not achievable but if you believe in self and keep patience then one fine day you can achieve these things.
So without wasting time further, one should chase these five things to achieve Financial Social Security which helps us to live life stress-free and to focus on other motives of life that only can give us a happy & satisfactory life.