Quality Life Calculator

How do I check present status of my Quality Life?

“Quality life Calculator” is just to check the present quality the life that you are living. This is a tentative assessment of your quality of life.

Few important factors are the indicator of Quality Life. Let’s understand in detail these factors by reading my blog post

“13 things you need to live quality life”

Once you understand these factors well then you can fill the score according to the life you are living in. It would help if you are honest while filling the score which will help you to get the best results.

Why you need “Quality Life Calculator”

To check your present quality of life you need this. Further, if you can work to improve these 13 things in your life then you can improve your quality of life. This you can regularly check by “Quality Life Calculator”

You can check the quality of your life by reading my blog post “Check present status of your quality of Life”. In this blog you can find the “Quality Life Calculator” and can check the score of your quality of life. It is absolutely FREE.

If you want an Excel File of “Quality Life Calculator” which will always remain with you lifelong then you can buy by clicking on payment link below.