
Hi, my name is Vivek Rai. I am a blogger and helping people through my blogs which is on Quality Life, Financial Security, Financial Freedom and Lifestyle.

My Profession

I am having professional experience of 29+ years in corporate world at senior positions. My hobby is more into Life and Personal Finance.

Motive behind “Invest For Quality Life”

My motive to start my Blog “InvestForQualityLife” is to help people for living a Happy, Healthy and Quality Life. This will happen when you have mindset to live life happily.

Other than mindset you need enough money, passive income and more important is “Time for self”. This precious “Time” you can spend to live life the way you want and to do something in life other than just earning money.

This all will happen when you will have enough money or passive income source to dispose of your basic necessaries and liabilities of your family so you can live a meaningful life by focusing on the your interest motives which can give happiness and fulfillment. 

So I am helping you to do self assessment of……

  1. your quality life by Quality Life Calculator by which one can check their present status of Quality Life and can work on parameters which are actually necessary for a Quality Life.
  2. And your Personal Financial Status by which you can get to know about your financial net worth and income per month by your investments This you can do by self even if you are non-accounting background like Doctors, Engineers, Businessmen/ Businesswomen, Celebrities or any other field. This will help you to plan your saving and investment strategies.

Both the assessments will help you to improve your confidence and way of living. Money management by self will helps you to understand your money closely and help you to achieve Financial Security which is very necessary for a stress-free and a Quality Life.

Other help

In present world we need money or source of income so we can live a peaceful life. This will happen when first we know our money rightly so ……..I am helping people how they can manage and monitor their personal finance by themselves confidentially by my small tracking tools.

We all are good in earning money but do not the right way to monitor our money & wealth. I am guiding people so they can do their money/wealth management by self mainly who are earning member of the family working in companies/corporate/business/ jobs/ startups in different positions having different skill sets like IT, Technical, Marketing, Manufacturing, Medical and any other fields.

People are good in their skill set but most of the time it has been observed, they are not good in maintaining personal finance. For those I have created a way so they can maintain their money/ finances by themselves without taking help of finance experts or CA. By this method you can confidentiality maintain, monitor and get to know all aspects of your saved Money, Investments and Assets.

Creating Financial Security is Very Important

Either a bulk amount of money or secured monthly/yearly income which helps you to sustain you and your family is “Financial Security”.

I believe, one should always focus to achieve “Financial Security” irrespective of your earning whether it is less or more.

Our personal finance/ investments are very important in present world and if your monitor closely then it will help you to secured “Financial Security” first and further “Financial Freedom” by which you can live life with ease and freedom with Quality Living.

Why do we need to live a quality life?

Only quality life can give us the confidence to lead life joyfully and respectfully.

Most of us are spending whole life just to fulfill our basic needs of routine life. Due to our liabilities, we are not thinking beyond this traditional lifestyle. If simultaneously we think and start working on how we can live a quality life by utilizing our valuable time & money in the right direction so after some time it will start giving fruits to us by way of quality life. This will help us to lead a life on your terms and more important to help us to live happy & satisfied life.

In what way I am helping?

I believe two things are very important to live Quality Life

  1. Money
  2. Lifestyle

So I am suggesting ways to monitor & invest your hard-earned money. Also suggesting on the mindset & lifestyle which can give you stress-free life after reaching your financial goals.

  1. Tools which helps you to understand your Money

2. I am suggesting on Lifestyle by

“A very small change in thinking can change our entire way of life which allow us to lead the life the way we want to live”.

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