Updated On: 05 Jan 2024
We all know in the present world money has its own importance to sustain life. This money can also help us to live a comfortable and stress-free life. To live a happy life, money plays a vital role and most people are working only for money, although this is not the right way to live life just for money.
Also in the present world, even success is also known with your money status. If you are rich then you are successful. So one should achieve the money-related goal at the right age so further you can focus on your dreams which are not related to money and which can help you to lead a happy life.
To reach this level, one should have to start the investment journey in a very professional manner so the money-related goals can be achieved at the right age.
Why you should start your investment journey?
We are living in the country India where the government is not providing any Social Security cover which is very necessary to sustain life.
To sustain life we need shelter ( House ), food and basic things including education of kids, these all are very much necessary and to create this social security one should have enough money so in any bad time one can survive easily and take care of all basic needs. This social security fund can be easily created when a person will start and further continue investment journey religiously.
What is important before starting an investment journey?
Before starting your investment journey, three things are very necessary and without these probabilities to achieving money goals become very narrow and these are
- Earning
- Saving
- Investing
First, to start with your investment journey, you need regular income by which you can save, invest and gradually enhance your money by earnings and return on investments. Without earning you cannot create a security fund. This earning should be sufficient enough so you can achieve your money-related goal in early age.
At the present time, people of age 25-35 are achieving their earning goals just by good earning either by one source or multiple sources. This fast earning of money is allowing them to invest more and same time during the course of time returns on investments are becoming significant which is helping them to enhance security funds faster.
So in shot sufficient earning per month or per year is very necessary although the investment journey can be started with less earnings also.
Even if you are earning more but if not able to save then also you cannot able to create security fund. So saving is equally important as earning. You need to create a habit of saving in you so building security fund will be much easier.
We know that the money can be spent to live a good life but same time regular savings and stopping wasting money on unnecessary expenditure can also save a lot of money which can very much help you in your investment journey and boost your security fund faster.
If you are earning well, saving well and further if you are investing wisely then your investment will give you a return which will become a new earning source and if this earning source reaches to a level where this earning will add a good amount of money every month then your money will enhance faster.
Investing will give new life to your saving if you are investing in reasonably secured options where your money is reasonably secured. Some time to get more return many of us are investing in the investment options where we are loosing a big chunk of money to just get higher returns.
How do I start my investment journey?
You can start your journey by following few things regularly. This will very much help you to accomplish your money goal.
- Sincerity
- Tracking
- Monitoring
Many of you are starting their investment journey but slowly due to less earning or less savings or due to laziness they are leaving their investment journey in middle and due to which their money lying in saving bank accounts and further be spent or not fetching proper returns. Why this is happening as they are not sincere or not disciplined towards their investments.
In most cases, people are not sincere about their investment journey and due to this till their age 60 even after they are struggling to get regular income source just for their survival.
Discipline and sincerity play a vital role to accomplish your money goals.
If you want to manage your personal finance effectively then the most important thing is tracking your money and investment. Without this, you can not plan and monitor your investment goals
Even after having sincerely, most of us are not aware about our investments. Even they are not able to give answers to their own questions like
- How much money do I have till today ?
- How much money do I have in which bank or Institution or Scheme ?
- How much earning per month I am getting from my investments ?
- How much money I have invested in Real Estate Properties ?
- What is the present value of my Real Estate Properties ?
- How much monthly Rental income I am getting from all my Real Estate Properties ?
- How much corpus of retirement do I have till today ?
- How much cash is available to me for emergency needs ?
- How much gold, Silver …..etc I have and I kept where ?
- What is the present value of Gold, Silver ?
- What is in my bank Lockers ?
- Who are the nominees of my investments?
- How my Spouse or Successor will come to know about my money & investments after me ?
Although these questions are completely related to your investment which you only made it but as you are not tracking, you are not fully aware of your own investments.
If you track it properly then you get a lot many benefits which look normal but help you to keep your money safe & secure and by tracking you can rotate or invest your money in different investment options that will help you to get a good return in time.

If you monitor the trend of the investment market and invest your money accordingly then you will get good return with reasonable security. Your investment can be in Banks, post office, private institutions, Bonds, Real Estate, Equities, gold or any other place but regular monitoring will help you to identify low income investments which can be switched to higher income investments.
Is any age to start an investment journey ?
If you have just started earning or having money and earning since long, the investment journey can be started by anyone of any age. It has no age bar. As early you start, your money goals can be achieved early.
Starting your investment journey is very essential for being an earning person of the family. Start your journey keeping three things in mind which are
- Sincerity
- Tracking
- Monitoring
Your earning, saving & investing will keep changing the due course of time but if you always focus on Sincerity, Tracking, Monitoring your money then even less money can also fetch good returns which will help you to accomplish your money goal in time and will help you to secure your Social Security.
So without loosing a single minute take a resolution for the coming year 2024 and start should start your investment journey with sincerity, tracking & monitoring for your secured future.