13 things you need to live quality life

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Are you living a quality life?

This question we should ask ourselves to assess the way of life we are living. We don’t know what should be the yardstick to judge the quality of our life.

Sometimes you are thinking, you have few things in life which look like the indicators of quality of life like a good house, good job, good earnings, good lifestyle, having a car, having few luxury items, etc. but maybe you are not very sure.

Even after having all these, many people are not happy and still looking for something to enhance their quality of life.

Things which are necessary to live a Quality Life

What are those things by which we can say that we are living quality life? Few are the things which are the indicators of a “Quality Life”.

  1. Mental peace
  2. Satisfaction
  3. Wealth
  4. Time
  5. Peaceful Earning
  6. Peaceful Surrounding
  7. Physical & Mental Health
  8. Entertainment & Leisure
  9. Socializing
  10. Religious thoughts
  11. Safety & Security
  12. Freedom
  13. Happiness

1. Mental peace – We are struggling every day in life to get something which may be luxury, power, fame, money, etc. but still mental peace is missing in our life which is the foremost thing one should have.  Many of us are in the profession where stress levels are very high and during working hours and even after they always tensed due worry about their work or business or earnings or more working hours and there is no mental peace in life although they are having many things in life by which we can assess that they are the happiest person and living quality life.

Many are facing family issues with their spouse, kids, relatives, etc. and due to a quarrelsome environment, there is no mental peace even after having all money, fame and luxury still people have no mental peace.

Similarly many are struggling with severer diseases either self or any other family members, court cases, fights, threats of social elements, heavy loans, loss of their dear ones, etc. where they have no control over the happening in life and feel mentally tensed.

If you have mental peace in life then you can say you are living a Quality Life.      

2. Satisfaction – Even having many things in life people are not satisfied with what they have and still running behind the things. Getting more and more is keeping them unsatisfied.

Few are the things like competition with others, greediness, un-satisfaction with even good things also make them unsatisfied. Many are not satisfied with the relationships too.

For living a good life, satisfaction is one of the important elements which can be achieved with your goodness, mature behavior and positive attitude towards people & life.  

So make you more mature, be a good human and have a positive attitude towards life. This will largely help you to enhance your quality of life. 

If you are a satisfied person then you are living a quality life.

3. Wealth – In the present world, money has created its own importance which cannot be ignored. If you are having sufficient wealth & effortless earnings then you are living a quality life. This sufficient word differs from person to person according to their lifestyle and living standard.

Regular/ passive income source by your wealth or any investment or by other means is one of the best wealth which allows you to work for yourself, not for money. Once you work for your motive you will feel nice and satisfied.

If you do not have sufficient wealth then try to get at the right age so you can enjoy your whole life and can able to live Quality Life. 

So wealth is also very important to live a Quality life.

4. Time – Even after having all the luxury people do not have time for themselves as they have to maintain the same level of living or want to upgrade their lifestyle. To get this they are running behind money and have no time for themselves. This fear to lose things will not allow them to come out of the circle of the rat race.

Many people do not have time due to their responsibilities & liabilities which keep them busy and they have no time for themselves mainly most females are facing this problem. Due to this their life become monotonous and they are feeling depressed which is not allowing them to live quality life.

Time will give you the freedom to think so time is very important to live Quality Life.

5. Peaceful Earning – We all are earning money and making all efforts to build lifestyle, good living, assets and wealth. To build these all we are earning money but our ways of earning are not giving peace of mind and feeling suffocated in the organization or business where we are spending a large part of the time of our life.

The fact is that a large part of the population is feeling suffocated in their workplaces and not able to come out due to their responsibilities and liabilities.

 This is just happening due to the attitude of the people in the organization or business who are focusing on money/ profits. Even many organizations are conducting sessions to reduce the stress level of their workforce but not working on a healthy environment where employees/ workers can take care of their juniors and can work on giving them a quality environment where they feel happy and satisfied.

Many organizations and business owners are doing business with the motive to give a healthy environment to their employees/ worker force to improve their living standards including mental peace.

This intention to give a peaceful environment can change the quality of the life of the people living in the Country.

If you are getting peaceful earning and happy & satisfied with the work environment then you are living a quality life as especially working people are giving a large part of the time of their life to workplaces.

So try to get peaceful earning which can largely help you to get Quality Life.

6. Peaceful Surrounding – Your surrounding also largely help you to live quality living which can be either at workplaces, home, neighborhood, country/city/area where you are living in. Even if you have all luxury, good house, comforts but if your surrounding environment is quarrelsome or good people are not around your surroundings then living a quality life will be very difficult.

Sometimes your neighbors, relatives, family members, collogue and friends are treating you badly and creating an unhealthy environment regularly. You have no control over them. If you are having good peaceful surroundings around you then you are very lucky.

So your surrounding environment is also largely impacting your living and quality of Life.  

7. Physical & Mental Health – Health also plays a vital role in your life. Living a healthy life you should be physically & mentally fit.

Your surrounding nature environment air, water, food habits, and discipline in daily routine are largely helping you to keep healthy. On top of it yoga, meditation, gyming, running/walking and other means are also helping to keep your physical fitness at good levels.

This will help you to keep your energy level up and you can perform your task with full energy that keeps you satisfied.

Apart from physical health, mental health is equally important to live a quality life. Our mind is a very important element of the body and without that, no one can lead a normal life. If this mind is in stressed condition then the body cannot remain fit. So your mind should be with less loads so it will be stress-free. Your mental health will be good if you are satisfied & happy with the things you have.

Your mental strength is helping you to face problems in life by which you can keep your mind cool and live life stress-free in any circumstances.

So, physical & mental health are largely helping you to live Quality Life.    

8. Entertainment & Leisure – Enjoyment in life is one of the best things where entertainment & Leisure are the best ways to get enjoyment.

Travelling, watching/participating in cultural programs, picnicking, visiting places, experiencing different cultures, watching movies, shopping, live events, exploring things and many more things are adding fun and joy to your life.

To get all, money plays an important role. People earn money and spend it on entertainment & leisure. Also hectic schedule of daily routine life, people use spare time for entertainment & relaxation. This will keep the mind fresh and cool. Time & money can add more n more entertainment to life.

So to live a Quality life entertainment & leisure play a vital role. 

9. Socializing – Humans are known for socializing and without social circle living life is very difficult. Helping and having fun with each other makes life more livable.

This starts with your family members and relatives which is more known as blood relations from where everyone is learning basics to socialization. As age grows, the socializing network increases other than the family members. Festivals, functions, social events, parties, gatherings, feasts and many more social events are creating interaction with each other and exchanging value, thoughts & culture that widely helps to transform life in a new direction where more learning, emotional element & enjoyment change the entire way of life.

Living alone can create depression. Socializing also helps to improve the personality, persona & way of life of an individual. Social events make your life more vibrant and shiny and that keeps you happy.

If you are having good socializing & good people around you then you can live Quality life. 

10. Religious thoughts – In life you are facing many problems and life is running out every day by solving the problems. These problems badly impact our mind and this time religious thoughts will broadly help us to keep mind cool and stress-free.

Religious thoughts are helping us to become good human and make our personality down to earth which will enhance feel-good factor in life and keep you happy and satisfied with the thing you have.

So, religious thoughts are largely helping us to lead a Quality Life.

11. Safety & Security – The Country/ City/ Area where you are living should be well secure, crime-free. That largely helps you to live tension-free and mentally secured life.

Although somehow you do not have any control over it all but if your surrounding is well secured then life will be more comfortable. While choosing the house, many people are keeping this into the mind and accordingly buying the property where they want to live.

So if you are living in City/town/area where you feel secure then your life will be more comfortable and secure.

12. Freedom – This is very important element of life. Without freedom, you feel suffocated and even having all luxuries of life you cannot able to enjoy life. You need to achieve freedom with money, time & passion.

In the present world, having sufficient money and more important regular earnings with very little effort can bring freedom in life. Once you have both, you will have time and then you can work on your passion in life.  This also gives you stress-free life.

The freedom to work on your passion, doing things the way you want without any restrictions will give you freedom in life.

So if you have the freedom, you can live every moment of life of your choice and can live quality life.    

13. Happiness – Whatever we are doing just to keep us happy and if by getting all the above mentioned things still you are not happy then also you cannot live quality life.

Happiness is the essence of life and without this even having all luxury and things, you will not able to live quality life. Happiness comes from your positive thought, becoming a good human being and a positive way to see life.

Apart from this if you are lucky enough that you are having less problems and challenges in life, having sufficient money & wealth either earn by self or got from your inheritance then also you feel free and happy.

So above all, happiness is very important to live Quality Life.

If you are having all these 13 things in your life then you can say you are living a quality life. If you do not have then should try you get it. With your determination, you can able to achieve these things faster and at the right age, you can get a Quality Life.


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About the author

Vivek Rai

Hi this is Vivek Rai. I am a blogger,

I am helping people to live their life peacefully, gracefully and guiding them to invest our valuable money & time in such a way so we need not to work for money and we can live our respectful life with quality lifestyle.

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