“First impression is the last impression” this we are knowing from our childhood. It is also important that how we are presenting our self. Other than what we are presenting our self we himself should feel nice and confident.
We always judge a person based on his looks and his clothing as these both are presenting them nicely. The whole impression will change if you keep your outlook smarter. It also important that how you carry yourself with the outfit you have chosen. Sometime if your looks are not that impressive, smart wearing will help you to present yourself decently. If you are comfortable with clothing & fashion accessories you are wearing, your confidence level will increase significantly.
Colour of the dressing plays major role for giving smarter looks. Colour may be light or dark, both has used for different lifestyle and uses patterns.
Benefit for smart wearing
Smart wearing give us immense pleasure when we walk, when we sit. If our clothing is suits our personality and we are comfortable with clothing then we can feel the changes in us.
- We will feel more confident.
- People will impressed and accordingly they will treat us.
- Its keep us satisfied.
- Its keep us happy.
- Its keep us comfortable.
This all will help us to up-lift our personality level which make us more confident.
Type of dressing what we are wearing
The kind of the dresses & accessories we are wearing is first always depending upon weather condition and further it will be on the uses basis like where and for what we are wearing. This will make us more comfortable if we follow proper wearing patter in our lifestyle. Many of us are so fantasised about the dressing sense but is also important it will take reasonable time to wear it. Once we make habitual of it we will found discipline in self. This will defiantly add quality in our life style.
Our dressing pattern are also depending on the work we are doing, sometime the same dress can be used for one or more uses. Like if we are cooking and wearing cooking apron then we can continue with our regular dress which we are wearing at home. The apron we are wearing over it. The dresses & accessories are mainly use for
- Dressing for job
- Dressing for home wearing
- Dressing for cooking
- Dressing for sleeping
- Dressing for shopping
- Dressing for travelling
- Dressing for Party
- Dressing for Sports & Fitness activities
We will learn about using pattern of dress in detail.
Dressing for job

Once we are getting out for work the dressing should suits our job profile. If we are working in corporate at higher position and sitting in AC offices & car then we can wear dark colour suit, lather shoe, leather belt, with light plain shirt. It will keep outlook smarter. Few other things are playing major role like fitting of the dress & accessories quality. If your outfit is too tight or too loose it will keep you uncomfortable. Fitting of the outfit is most important as it will change you confidence level.
If we are working in normal level we can wear trouser & shirt, if it is plain it will give more corporate look. We can use smart letter shoes and belt. Avoid using sleepers or sport shoes. Selection of fancy outfit will not suitable while going to job. If you are business men also you can maintain the same way of dressing to keep your outlook smarter.
In IT field professionals are little bit different from other jobs wearing as most of the middle working class people are keeping their look casual by using shirt & jeans with sport shoe.
Dressing for home wearing –

We are always more comfortable wearing any kind of dress at home weather it’s good or odd as we are thinking no one is watching it and this will lead us to wear dirty, faded, old and sometime torn dresses. Same way the sleeper we are wearing at home sometime old & dirty. This all are hampering us to keep quality in lifestyle.
The home wearing should be comfortable, little loose and light in weight and presentable. It will give you feel good factor. If things are in systematic way it will add richness to lifestyle. You can use any colour in home wearing, the colour should be decent and does not look fade.
Dressing for cooking

Cooking wearing is directly related to safety of our self. Cotton clothing are the best in terms of safety. Any dress you can wear except fabrics those are fire hazardous. Wearing apron over your regular dress will add feel good factor to your lifestyle. Apron help you to keep your regular dress clean. Also if your dress is having design where frill are hanging from the dress, this apron will hold all the frills of dress which are hanging around and keeping you safe from fire.
Few people are so much health cautious, they wear cloth cap or disposable cap so the hair should not fall in food and to keep their food hygienic. Few of them are using hand gloves so their palm skin can be protected. It’s all depend upon us how and which way we wanted to lead our life. Your professional & caring attitude towards work will help your children to learn and they may follow to steps to do the things nicely.
Dressing while sleeping

The best relaxing time when you are going to bed for sleep, until you feel comfort you cannot relaxed. Your clothing should be comfortable, soft, cosy, loose and light. It should not be of synthetic fabric. Use stretchy clothing which keep you more comfortable. The colour of the clothing should always light which keep your eyes cool. Do not wear pants & shirts which keeps you in uncomfortable zone.
Dressing for shopping

When we are going out specially shopping or outing it is good to have decent looking dressing which make you smarter. Colour combination of dress and accessories make you smarter and beautiful. You dressing sense can empress many. People are judging you by your dressing. Your dress, accessories, like shoe, wrist watch, belt etc are helping you to uplift your personality.
If your body shape is good, you can wear tight dresses. This will give perfect shape to your personality. Even you can use western or ethnic clothing or mix of both to keep your modern outlook. Mix of both like Kurta over jeans with canvas shoe will give you modern outlook. Try always to wear clothing in which you feel comfortable. Sometime dress will look good but its difficulty to carry for long time, if you outing is for short period you can take a chance.
It is very important that the dress you are buying should suits your personality and body shape. Wrong selection of things make. While buying your clothing you should consider how available accessories at home will suits with your dress. It will help your moral and confidence level and you feel good.
Dressing for travelling –

We travel to have fun, it’s important to have more comfortable dressing, easy to handle, bit strong and durable. Dressing comfort is very important while travelling. Wearing casual clothing and light accessories will always better. While traveling your shoe must be comfortable which help you to keep in comfort zone. Cotton casuals are advisable for travelling which keep your body cool. Generally travel trousers has many pockets which help you to carry small stuff with you.
While travelling you need few accessories to carry which gives good traveller look. These accessories are rucksack bag, waist bag, waist bottle holder, sleeping bag, sunglasses, binocular, Hat/ cap etc. All these accessories will make your travel experience more adventurous and comfortable.
Dressing for Party –

Here we are spending more time to choose what to wear what not to wear. Party theme will make you decision to choose the dressing more easy. According to the party type/ theme you can decided the dresses & accessories. Your trimmed hair looks and face shine will make you more good looking. You can carry accessories like wrist watch, leather purse, leather card holder, Shiny shoes, tie, tie bow, belt etc. which will gives you good looks.
If it a marriage party then you need to more careful about the colour of the dress and the fabric you choose should be little more shiny. Fitting of the dress is one of the very important aspect which make your look smarter.
Party dress are more colourful & shiny. Selection of the dress should be such which look more vibrant in lighting. Your hair style should be make you smart and hair shine will give lot of good impact on overall looks.
Dressing for Sports & Fitness activity-

For any sport, dress and accessories are important which help you to play comfortably. The accessories can be tee shirt, track pant or shot, Shoes, water bottle, knee pads, wrist strap, cap, towel, sport bag etc. Sport dressing gives you sporty look and if you choose good vibrant & bright colours it will gives you complete new look and make you in style. Generally sport dresses are stretchable, little soft & cosy, light in weight which help to give more flexibility while playing. Sometime it fits to your body. As these are stretchable hence even fit to body dresses are not gives any discomfort.
For doing regular fitness activities like yoga, gyming, running etc for which the dress should be stretchy and comfortable, light in weight as sport activities. The sporty look enhance your personality and confidence level and make you feel good.
These are few tips which help you to carry yourself nicely which will change your body language & outlook positively. Presenting your self will boost you level of confidence and will help you to keep quality in your lifestyle which will help to develop your personality.
Good sir